Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Friday, August 04, 2006

A True Patriot

I can't believe you would bash Hillary Clinton when she as been to visit our troops not once, but twice in Iraq. She constantly supports our fighting men and women. She has pursued the Defense Department to investigate why our Service men and women are not getting their promised financial reimbursements for the body armor they purchased before being deployed. She has spoken out in strong support (as has Washington's Senator Patty Murray) of our veterans' rights to continuing health care and equal opportunities employment upon their return from deployment. She is calling for the Bush Administration to present a decisive plan to end the war (that Bush declared ended) in a way that will bring America honor and safety. She is not asking that we pull our service men and women and allow terrorists to take over Iraq. Who would think that anyone, especially the Senator from the state most affected by 9/11 would want that? The War on Terror should never have become a partisan issue. I believe that Senator Clinton is remaining bi-partisan in her support of our troops and in support of the War on Terror.

And, by the way, most of the service men in that picture have their backs turned to the camera. Maybe some of them are smiling.

P.S. Can I still come visit you in FLA? I'll go through security clearance if you like, but I won't go through deprogramming "camp" again.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

She's posturing for the 2008 presidential election.

It's interesting to see her coming so close to center on this issue, or as you call it, being "bi-partisan", but I'd be much less suspicious if an election year wasn't right around the corner.

9:00 PM  

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