Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

It's Our War

You are so wise.
I was doing a bit of research online and came across an excellent article supporting your view.

I do find it interesting to read your verbiage on this conflict. You have a vested interest in it, and your arguments are passionate. They remind me of my own in respect to the conflict in Iraq-- a war in which I have a vested interest.

You say, "I do not remember a time when negotiating with terrorists has been effective"... do you feel that way about the terrorists who are keeping us in "battle" in what should be "peace time" Iraq? It seems many liberals think that our peacekeeping mission over there should be very simple. We should pull out and let Iraq's problems shake themselves out. How would that play out in the current Israeli/Lebanese conflict? I believe that the U.S. should support the new nation of Iraq and stay as long as is necessary to keep terrorists from gaining the upper hand.

And yes, I do think the U.S. should continue to be Israel's strongest ally... to think of doing anything else would be inexcusable.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I don't think that most Liberals feel we should just leave Iraq in a lurch. I think we realize that to do so would create a terrorist stronghold in Iraq. It is a frustrating position for a Liberal to be in right now. Going to Afghanistan was such the right thing to do since the 9/11 terrorist and Bin Ladin were based there, but we Liberals feel that the country was duped into invading Iraq - something Bush seems to have been planning every since he and his brother rigged the election in your current home state. Bush's administration bullied everyone into supporting his lie about the existence of Weapons of Mass Destruction so that he could A. Get his oil pals into OPEC, B. Make his Halliburton pals richer. To oppose his lie meant being condemned as a traitor to our country, or worse, exposure as a CIA operative - risking the lives of true patriots.

We are in Iraq now. We got rid of Sadam - a truly horrifying dictator. We are bringing free elections and democracy to a country that had been under terrible oppression. What America was subjected to in order to be where we are today was unconscionable. But it is now in the past. All we can do about that now is keep profiteers out of the White House in the future. Let's all concentrate on bi-partisan support of our troops, a free Iraq, the end of terrorism and the rebuilding of our reputation among our allies.

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just don't believe that President Bush lied about the WMI's. To "lie" involves premeditated deceit... he went with the information he was given and the logical course of action based on that information.

I suppose there has never been a Democratic president who had any interests in Middle Eastern Oil interests? Geez Louise. You Liberals will always pull the same tired arguments out to try to invalidate a much deeper issue.
If Clinton had ever had the balls to deal appropriately with Iraq and Afghanistan in the 90's we wouldn't be in this mess right now.

7:58 PM  

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