Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Creative Design?

Are you insinuating that if God were the Designer He wouldn't be intelligent? I love that ID takes God out of the picture and puts it on neutral ground. If you want to think that aliens were the ones to intelligently design the world that's wonderful... all I'm asking is for people to stop blindly believing in Darwin's theory now that it has no scientific leg to stand on.

In this day and age, with science being what it is, it seems to me that it takes more faith to believe we evolved from a single-celled amoeba than to believe we were designed, either by aliens or by God.

That Doonesbury cartoon you showed me a few weeks ago about strains of viruses evolving was so lame. It's not like the virus evolved into another life form! Micro-evolution happens all the time. Macro-evolution is based on flawed fossil evidence. Tell me again where any missing link is on the fossil scale? What's that? Nobody's found one? Hmmm. Sketchy.

On a lighter note, I do believe that we could evolve into alcoholics... but that wouldn't much of a leap, would it?



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