Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Saturday, August 19, 2006

What would be the point?

Embryonic stem cell research is alive and well. What-- just because it's happening on animal embryos instead of human embryos makes the research invalid? If, as you say, we all evolved from the same soup this should be more than adequate for you.
These studies have yet to reveal any "cure" or even any theraputic use... while studies using adult stem cell and umbilical cord cells are offering great hope to those patients suffering from MS and even spinal-cord injuries.
The real question is this: Why is it so important to tout embryonic stem cell research as the Great White Hope? Why isn't the media giving attention to the advances being made with adult stem cells? I believe it all comes back to the sanctity of life issue that liberals so love to roll their eyes over.
Life has meaning only for those who are wanted.
Inconvenient pregnancy? It's not a life... it's just tissue... get rid of it. Sick, elderly relative putting you out? For goodness sake, let's put them out of their misery... or at least out of sight! Hundreds of thousands of women and children dying in Somalia? Where? I think it's in Africa... those savages just need to kill each other off... where's the channel changer?
Desensitizing the world to the idea that life is a Gift, from a Giver... that's the agenda, isn't it? It doesn't matter what religious laws say about when life begins... it comes down to human beings putting themselves in the place of Pride above other human beings. I deserve to be here, you don't. Poof! You're gone.
The cells that are in question are left over from couples who seek invitro fertilization as a means of getting pregnant. It seems harmless to take those "unwanted" cells and do research with them... what does this have to do with the whole sanctity of life issue?
They're babies!
They are human beings who are not outside of God's knowledge and plan. They are not "unwanted". Case in point: The Snowflakes frozen embryo adoption program which connects donating families with adopting families. I have a dear friend who has a 3 year old daughter due to the desire of one family to place their remaining embryos in a loving home rather than being destroyed. This process was accomplished at no profit to the foundation or the donating family. The lives of the stored embryos were valued... and there is always some couple, somewhere, who would gladly adopt those babies.
And before you start bashing my narrow minded government for not allowing stem cell research, perhaps you should be reminded that from 2001 to 2004, this Administration provided $54 million for human embryonic stem cell research pursued within clear moral bounds. During this same period of time, federal funding for non-embryonic stem cell research exceeded $1.7 billion.
From this, 78 derivations of human embryonic stem cells have been found eligible for federal funding. With this federal funding, scientists are developing these lines; so far, 22 have been made available as fully developed lines. Because stem cell lines replicate themselves, eligible lines can be used by many individual researchers. Hundreds of experiments are underway at facilities around the country... what are we really arguing about?????
Oh, that's right. Life.
If we can devalue life a little bit more, then we can make it just a little bit easier to destroy it when it becomes inconvenient.


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