Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Where's my knitta-sistah?

Oh Florida was such fun! And Julie was a great hostess! And I caused so much trouble it was probably regrettable in the end. We drank too much, got tattooed too much, laughed and cried too much and learned that there is no reason to play 18 holes of Putt-Putt Golf in 110 degree weather.

I highly recommend vacationing on the Gulf Coast. The beaches are BEAUTIFUL! And Sex on the Beach is delicious (hope those bumps are just razor burn).

What I loved about my Vacation:

+ The Tattoo Artist who looked like Monte Lee
+ Key Lime Martinis
+ The Southern Girl with the Scarlet Drawl saying people "thahnk ahm frum New Yaahk"
+ Warm Gulf Coast water
+ Grits with salt, pepper and butter
+ Blue Moon Beer with a fat wedge of orange
+ Stone Temple Charlotte
+ Being with Julie
+ Being with Julie
+ Being with Julie

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Welcome to the South...

Hurricane Tami

Tami's in Florida!! We're having a wonderful time and she is completely smitten with the Sunshine State... even though most of our fun has happened after dark!

The first thing she did was to take us all out and get tattoos, because that's how little there is to do here on a Wednesday night at 1 a.m. Thankfully mine is small. I can honestly say now that I'll never forget Tami's visit.

Ask her about Sex on the Beach... her first! It's that drink from the 80's that lives on here in Florida Neverland. How fun for her to say she's been to Florida and had Sex on the Beach... that's worth the price of admission alone!

The fun just keeps on coming... she's thrilled with all the southisms she's seeing: a man named 'Dixie Dan' running for circuit court judge, a liquor store whose owner uses billboards featuring his 16 year old daughter to drum up business ("Please shop at my daddy's store, I need a new car!"), shopping at the Winn-Dixie, everyone's accents-- y'all, that's the cutest thing! and 24-hour BBQ joints... 7 am BBQ? Hell, it's twelve o'clock somewhere! What's a vegetarian to do? Last night she got to ride a cockroach across the kitchen floor. That's how big they are... about the size of skateboards.

I'm sure she'll be posting the highlights of her stay here soon. Stay tuned!

-- Julie

Monday, September 11, 2006

Oh, and this one too...

Okay, so nearly every Jew I meet asks me this question when they find out I used to be a Christian:

"Let me get this straight. If, right before Hitler died, he asked for forgiveness, God let him into heaven?"

I say yes, but I'll have to preface that with, "As long as he was truly penitant in his heart, and as long as he didn't kill himself." Right?

Explain this one Christian Cuz...

So I have a confession to make. I've never understood prayer. Following are some questions to help shed light on why I have never felt comfortable asking God for a favor:

  • Would God really let someone die because they weren't prayed over?
  • Would God really let one team win over another because one of them prayed?
  • If two teams prayed to God to help them win, would God then choose a favorite?
  • Isn't God omniscient? Doesn't he know the outcome already? What's the point, then, asking him to do something about an ordeal he has already weighed in on?
  • Aren't we being rather presumptive asking God for something when he knows what's best for us?
  • Aren't we kind of being dicks asking God to fix things that were our own stupid faults in the first place, i.e. "Please God, help me find my keys (I pray this one every morning, by the way)" "Please God, don't let that thing I just ran over be a person"?
  • Aren't we being rather presumptive asking God for something that may mean a bad outcome for someone else, i.e. "Please help us win the war" "Please help me get this job" "Please don't let Albert break up with me"?
  • Is God so shallow that he needs us to praise him? After all, he asks us to expect no praise for our deeds.

In closing, the only way I've found around this dilemma (because when I really am feeling helpless, I still must have that line to my creator) is to pray, "Thy will be done." I think that is enough of a prayer for me, but those above questions still nag at me. Please offer you opinions...I really want to know.

We can never go home again-THANK GOD!

(The following is from Tami)
I'm back. I've been so very busy at work during the day and making drag queen costumes at night - I apologize to my beautiful, caring, insanely right-wing cousin for causing worry and the need for conservative backlash.

Anyway, I must relate a story about a man who found me attractive this weekend. It all started at the restaurant where the drag show is performed. I went to the bar to get a soda before the show and was smiling a broad smile, happy with my life thus far (foreshadow). There was mid-40's man, handsome is a Margaretaville-Not-Generally-My-Type kind of way, and he said to me, "You must be very happy with a smile like that." (truth be known, I am very happy with my smile, but I don't think he meant it that way) We started into chatting and I found out a lot about him - probably because he was his own favorite topic. Still, he wasn't offensive and seemed bright and easygoing, so I invited him to the show next week as my guest and we exchanged numbers.

After a lovely afternoon with my (maternal) grandparents, I came home to a phone message from Mr. Parrothead. He was sitting on the beach looking out at the Pacific and wanted me to call him. That was around 3:30. I picked up the message at 6:00 and gave him a call back. He asked what I'd been up to (gasp) and he told me what he'd been up to (he did let me respond before he told me about his day, by the way). He asked me what part of town I lived in and I told him the north part. He told me he was currently living in a camper (truck-bed model) in a gated trailer park in Lake Stevens. "You live in Lake Conner Park?!?" I choked. "Yeah, you know it?" he replied.

Know it...I grew up about a mile away from it. Lake Conner Park is where the hoipoloi of Trailer Dwellers live. It is indeed a gated community with not one, but two pools. It always seemed like a forbidden paradise to me as a child - you couldn't enter unless you were a member or a friend of a member. But once out of the '70's I realized that trailer parks were not as glamorous as Good Sam Club and KOA would lead you to believe. You see, around that time I had (maternal) family who actually moved into a trailer park - The reality of mobile home living wasn't, um...well...needless to say, the illusion was shattered.

Anyway, back to our story of romance...After explaining our 6 degrees of physical separation, I asked if he had any children. "One son. He's 8 and lives with his mother in Arizona." "You must miss him," I said. "Yeah, but it's for the best. I never wanted kids. I'd say he was an accident, but I don't believe in accidents, but there was no need for me to be there and I hate Arizona. I go down to see him about four times a year. He really misses me." Here is the image that was going through my mind, "?!?!?!?!?!?????!!!!!". So you're saying to yourselves, "Of course you told him that your cat was on fire and you really needed to get off the phone, right?" but no I didn't. And you want to know why I didn't? Because I'm a dunce.

He said he was going to be at the beach for another hour, but how'd I like to get a coffee or drink or something. I said, "Sure, call me when you leave the beach." He said he'd call me in an hour. Three hours later I get a call from him. He apologized for not calling sooner. He got side tracked watching the sunset. He described the beauty and majesty to me and I started to think he was less a jerk then an insipid narcissist until he ended with, "...then I went into a bar to watch the end of the ball game and have a beer. So do you still want to go out for a drink tonight?" I told him that I was going to bed early tonight so we should try again another time. He asked if we were still on for the show Saturday. Ugh.

I'll keep you posted my darlings.

Friday, September 08, 2006

What the?

This is wrong on more levels than I can even percieve.

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Self Portrait

Alright, maybe I didn't really paint this... but in my heart of hearts this is how I want to appear.
Smeary, hollow-eyed, and frumpy.
I love this picture. It reminds me of how long the gentle art of knitting has been helping women keep their sanity.

Have you visited my Knittybitty blog yet? Knit 'er done!

PC Flash Cards

Not for the timid... I found this guy online who's making up a new set of Alphabet Flash Cards based on a politically correct worldview.

I was actually a little encouraged to see Adam holding the apple with the bite out of it... it's about time someone recognized his part in the fiasco!

Perhaps we should all think of ways to contribute to society in such a moving way. How about STD flash cards? If 12-year old girls can get a shot to prevent HPV somewhere down the road, shouldn't four year olds be brushing up on Herpes?

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Branching out...

I can't find Tami. I think she's now working as an indentured servant at Macy's. Perhaps when she surfaces we can continue our blog-along. In the meantime, please look for me at where you will find me... just me. Just lonely, sad ME... blogging about knitting and the tangled yarn we call life.

Tami, if you can hear me please know I'll never give up searching for you baby!

Friday, September 01, 2006

Have you seen this cousin?

NAME:Tami I've-been-married-more-times-than-Julie Wolff
HEIGHT: A woman above all other women.
EYES: Beautiful hazel
SECRET ASPIRATION: Hosting the Emmy's

If you've seen or heard from my cousin please contact me at

If milk still came in cartons I would post her picture there.

Tami, if you can read this message, COME TOWARD THE RIGHT, BABY!