Three Lefts Make a Right

An ongoing conversation between a conservative, right-wing, Christian woman and her liberal, turned-Jew, democrat cousin... who happens to be her best friend in the world.

Monday, July 31, 2006

Apparently Tami hates pronouns

Tami hates anything that smells bad
Tami hates that
Tami hates it
Tami hates walking

Tami's favorite quote(s)

Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog it's too dark to read.
Groucho Marx

Friday, July 28, 2006

Julie Hates Blogs

Alright, before the game gets too overdone, I just had to add 'Julie hates' to the mix. Here's what I found out:

Julie hates you
Julie hates the world below
Julie hates Dr. Laura with a passion
Julie hates what she doesn't know...

wow. that even rhymes. and it's a nice short list, which means I don't really hate at all. Well, Dr. Laura is a bit difficult to listen to, but I agree with her most of the time I just wish she wasn't so rude. I hate rude people... well, that's not true, I just hate their rudeness.

I do NOT hate dirty Martinis.
Dirty Martinis are the new black... out.

A Mingled Yarn

"The web of our life is of a mingled yarn, good and ill together."

- William Shakespeare, All's Well That Ends Well, 4.3.69-70

I'm a knitter and I love this quote from Shakespeare.
What's your favorite quote, Tami?

-- Julie

Julie Wants to go Clubbing?

Hey, I like seals... I would never go clubbing!

But a few other things Julie "wants":

Julie wants to fall in love
Julie wants to meet 15 people
Julie wants to do 8 things (Julie seems hung up on numbers)
Julie wants Jean killed (sorry Jean, but you can't tell me you didn't expect this)
Julie wants to return to her roots
Julie wants out
Julie wants to be a mathematics teacher... (ah, there's the numbers thing again)
and my personal favorite:
Julie wants me to flip the bird this way!

This wanting, this needing... it's so needy and wanting! Wow. I really feel... needy. And wanting.

Tami wants to gather

So, I played the "Needs" game and found out what Tami needs. Then I realized that it can't all be about necessity, but should also be about desire. The following is what Tami wants (according to goggle):

Tami wants to talk again.
Tami wants to do 29 things.
Tami wants to play quarterback for the high school football team.
Tami wants you to join her church.
Tami wants a copy of "Donkey Riding".
Tami wants to do a girls' night out.

Julie, let's do a girls' night out. I WANT it!! See you at The Chapel after work.

Julie Needs to Work on Her Parenting...

Have you ever played that Google game? Type your name followed by the word 'needs' and see what comes up.

Here are my favorites:
Julie needs complete access to the hallway
Julie needs to show off her womanly frame
Julie needs to go for cotton styles
Julie needs to bite the bullet
Julie needs to get out in the fresh Eire
Julie needs items 4 garage sale

I had no idea I was so needy.

Give it a try. Find YOUR deepest needs!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

My Hot Army Ranger

This is my man... no, he's not an ice-cream man, he's got his dress blues on for a military formal we went to in May. He's the nicest guy ever.

Tami, I promise I'll leave him for you in my will. You'll love him. He alphabetizes everything and your house would be spotless before my body was even cold.

Super Julie

She knits, she quilts, she gardens, she cousin can do everything. Except vote for Hillary, that is ( I love my cousin and I continually strive to be more and more like her - funny, smart, well-read, full of love and full of tolerance (and occasionally full of vodka). How else is it possible that she could love me? Also, have you seen her husband? He's hot!

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Sistahs from anotha Mistah

...or so the saying goes here in the South.

This is me and my 'cuz.
We love each other, but not in a V.C. Andrews way.
That would be real uncomfortable.
Tee hee hee.


I own a chihuahua.
Her name is Natalie Chihuahua. Actually that's her birth name. I can't tell you her adopted name, although she still goes by 'Natalie'.
She likes to chase squirrels and bark at much larger dogs.
She likes Tami too, but she also likes Tami's roommate.
There's no telling a dog's taste in people.

Here's Julie!

This is me, driving my little Knitty Bitty Scion XA. I look a little 'gangsta' here, because I'm 45 and real cute. In a few years it will all be gone, but for now I'm living La Vida Loca baby... or is it La Visa Loco?

Here's Tami!

Tami is the most darling woman I know. She's a little Clara Bow and a little Aunt Colleen. She's not confined by space or time. She's beautiful to me, and I love her free spirit. She's curvy and I love hugging her. I'm glad she's my cousin. I adore her!

Creative Design?

Are you insinuating that if God were the Designer He wouldn't be intelligent? I love that ID takes God out of the picture and puts it on neutral ground. If you want to think that aliens were the ones to intelligently design the world that's wonderful... all I'm asking is for people to stop blindly believing in Darwin's theory now that it has no scientific leg to stand on.

In this day and age, with science being what it is, it seems to me that it takes more faith to believe we evolved from a single-celled amoeba than to believe we were designed, either by aliens or by God.

That Doonesbury cartoon you showed me a few weeks ago about strains of viruses evolving was so lame. It's not like the virus evolved into another life form! Micro-evolution happens all the time. Macro-evolution is based on flawed fossil evidence. Tell me again where any missing link is on the fossil scale? What's that? Nobody's found one? Hmmm. Sketchy.

On a lighter note, I do believe that we could evolve into alcoholics... but that wouldn't much of a leap, would it?


Intelligent Design

I first heard this phrase on a show on the Discovery Channel or some such cable station. They were talking about some microbe propelled by a corkscrew phlagella or some such biological apparatus. I kept waiting for them to tell me who the intelligent designer of our crazy cellular structures was supposed to be. They never did, so I assumed they were talking about space aliens.

Now that I think about it, I don't recall ever hearing anyone assigning intelligent design to God, so I guess it could be space aliens. Honestly, if people were talking about God, I imagine it would be called Creative Design. "Next up on HGTV, Creative Design with your hosts Debbie Travis and God Almighty."

I might read the Black Box book, but I like to think of the seven days of creation as a story that helps us humans to more easily grasp God's setting into motion the primordial ooze that, through survival of the fittest and free will, has evolved into who we are today - and will become who we are a million years from now.

I love you Julie!!!

It's just a THEORY!

Let's talk about the THEORY of evolution, shall we? Anyone read Michael Behe's Darwin's Black Box?
Here's an editorial review on

Michael J. Behe, a biochemist at Lehigh University, presents here a scientific argument for the existence of God. Examining the evolutionary theory of the origins of life, he can go part of the way with Darwin--he accepts the idea that species have been differentiated by the mechanism of natural selection from a common ancestor. But he thinks that the essential randomness of this process can explain evolutionary development only at the macro level, not at the micro level of his expertise. Within the biochemistry of living cells, he argues, life is "irreducibly complex." This is the last black box to be opened, the end of the road for science. Faced with complexity at this level, Behe suggests that it can only be the product of "intelligent design."

At the time that Darwin was postulating about evolution, no microscope could know what was within the living cell... hence, the 'Black Box'. Now that we know that cells are irreducibly complex, how can science still believe this farce that evolution can happen at the micro level?

It's a facinating book if you're not afraid to read it. Incidentally, Behe is not a creationist.

Let's hear it kids.

Good heavens, I'm blogging!

First of all, how am I going to share my opinions without the use of bad language? When I had made that New Year's resolution a couple of years ago to say the F-Word more often, my roommate said I'd have to start staying awake later so I could fit it in.

Secondly, I didn't snub JC. We just have a differing of opinion. He thinks he's the Son of God and I think that His Messiah complex is really none of my business. As for my final destination, I'll leave that to G-d. Baruch Shem!

So, Miss Julie, what topic should we eviscerate...I mean tackle first?

Working? Hardly.

I might add that Tami works in personnel for a wildly popular retail store in Seattle, while I am in a little yarn shop near Pensacola, Florida.

That's how opposite we are! We're even at opposite ends of the lower-48!

Tami will be posting too, once she figures this all out.

Good luck Tami. It could be pretty one-sided blog if you don't get it together here pretty soon.

Why Not 3 Rights Make a Left?

Because who the heck would want to be LEFT?

Hi, I'm Julie. Tami's at work right now, and so am I, but my boss is out of town and I had to take a break from the knitting needles.

The premise of this blog site is for Tami & I to share our opinions and thoughts with each other and with you! We welcome comments, but please no bad language, no matter how much you hate the opposing side-- this means you, Mom! (kidding!)

In the weeks and months to come we will be taking on different topics and sharing our own thoughts on them. The great thing about our relationship is, that even though I know Tami is going to Hell... yes, it's still there even if you don't believe in it... I love her anyway and am in no way feeling guilty for her decision to snub J.C. I mean, her day in court will come, no?

Love you Tami!!!